Hope and Inspiration Precious Nature of our Freedoms


Between Memorial Day and Independence Day July 4th each year, I find myself reflecting on our country, leadership, public duty and military service. It’s important to look at these things now, how they were formed and how they all intersect with one another and with the intentions of the Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution.

On leadership, there are still those in politics leading with polarization, though I’m sensing a shift in this landscape. I’m hearing from many people, they are hungry for simple, good governance and those who lead with solutions rather than throwing fire bombs that inflame. Many are tuning out superficial noise in search of substance, positive problem solving and good will. 

While the exhaustion is palpable, at the same time, there are deep undercurrents of optimism when we see so many positive things done to benefit humanity in our local communities. The power of thoughtful people at the grassroots level leading by listening and looking to find common bonds that draw us together.

With these thoughts in mind, I’m passing along inspiring upcoming July 4th events and some recent commentaries worth your review. I hope you will find them filling and fueling, too. 

Declaration Day Ceremony 
In recognition of The Declaration of Independence, the town of Darien will hold its Second Annual Declaration Day Ceremony at 9:30 am in the Darien High School courtyard.

The brief ceremony will include:
• selected readings from the Declaration of Independence
• recognition of Darien students currently attending military academies, university ROTC programs and serving in active duty,
• highlighting the most recent DAR essay winner
• patriotic music played by the heralded Darien Community Band

The ceremony immediately precedes the perennial favorite Push-n-Pull parade sponsored by the Darien VFW stepping off from DHS at 10:30 AM. 

Simply, the power of community at its best.

The Declaration of Independence is a document that has given our country a strong foundation to survive, even thrive in times of upheaval. It was visionary in its time and a source of inspiration today. Yes, we need to continue to do work to ensure freedom of opportunity is truly for all. Continuing with open heart / cool head listening and enlightenment  must be part of our ongoing conversations and work.

It’s critically important to remember our founding values and the forward thinking ideas of the Declaration of Independence that remain relevant today. There is so much more that bonds us together than divides us. This ceremony serves as a reminder of these key ideas within the Declaration.
Teaching Our Children

As a fervent fan of Saturday Wall Street Journal columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Peggy Noonan, my favorite weekly read is her Declarations column. A recent column “Teach our Children to Love America” was outstanding and worth a read and to forward freely! 

On a somewhat related note, we recently heard passionate remarks from longtime Darien resident and author, Robert Patton, who spoke during our recent Darien Memorial Day ceremony. He spoke so compellingly of the sacrifice of soldiers who gave their lives for our country and their fellow citizens. Bob is the author of a number of books, among them The Pattons:  A Personal History of an American Family, relating life with his grandfather General George S. Patton.

Multiple suggestions followed Bob’s Memorial Day remarks that all high school students should be required to watch his speech. Many young adults would benefit from understanding the precious nature of our freedoms and those who served to protect them. May we always hold in gratitude those who have and are serving our country 

Bob’s recent remarks start at the 30 min mark of this video and run @10 min.

Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful Fourth of July and the enjoyment of the many pleasures of summer!

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