Hope and Inspiration Precious Nature of our Freedoms

Between Memorial Day and Independence Day July 4th each year, I find myself reflecting on our country, leadership, public duty and military service. It’s important to look at these things now, how they were formed and how they all intersect with one another and with the intentions of the Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution.

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Grass Roots Solutions for Zoning

The long-awaited state zoning bill, SB 1024, was announced on March 10 for a public hearing on March 15th. The virtual public hearing ran a full 24 hours before being halted with hundreds still waiting to testify. In my time in Hartford, this has been one of the most controversial and hotly debated subjects ever…

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Grass Roots Innovation

Though Connecticut continues to struggle with the big fiscal challenges of our underfunded pension liability and continued subservience of the majority party to the state employee union leaders —which is of course at the expense of common sense and respect for the hardworking citizens of our state —there are bright spots ahead. With some recent…

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Much done, more to do; highlights from Hartford

Here’s my most recent “Hartford Current” piece in The Darien Times: With the regular legislative session behind us, this a good time to provide a summary of some of the highlights (from Hartford). There was a good bit of legislation accomplished  that had strong bipartisan support that will benefit many in our state. In all,…

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