Let’s Not Throw Away Our Shot!

That now famous line from Hamilton reminds me that citizens in Connecticut have two opportunities to not throw away our shot this in this upcoming election season.

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Updated Election News in Bridgeport

Superior Court Judge William Clark ruled on November 20th for another primary election for mayor on January 23rd. This new primary election makes good sense given the preponderance of evidence pointing to election fraud in the September 12th Democratic mayoral primary.

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Exhausted by the current political environment?

As you know, I’ve spent the most recent chapter of my life passionate about civics in our state. In looking forward, I am equally passionate and interested in exploring the components of what civil discourse looks like and how we can each take responsibility for a positive and thoughtful approach to policy and political discussions.…

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Bridgeport Ballot Mess 2023

The swelter of summer days has transitioned into the crispness of fall – – heralding the season to reset, learn new things and find ways to make an impact. I’m deeply energized and  looking forward to continuing my work as a Fellow at the Yankee Institute researching and writing about Connecticut’s election processes and civic sensibility. Current…

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