Connecticut Republicans Support Terrie Wood

Former Republican Secretary of the State Pauline Kezer Endorses Terrie Wood for Secretary of the State of Connecticut
“This is a very important race for Secretary of the State. There is no incumbent, and it’s time to support the person most qualified to become the head of elections in this state. Terrie Wood is by far the most experienced, most competent, and most able person to fill this seat,” said Pauline Kezer.
Terrie Wood is currently serving her 7th term in the Connecticut House of Representatives where she has shown leadership and an ability to work in a bipartisan way to get things done. Secretary of the State is the third highest position in state government, and Terrie Wood is ready to step into this responsibility.
“There is not another candidate whose record, experience, and electability match what Terrie Wood has already achieved.”
The position of Secretary of the State has many facets, including securing our elections and managing important business functions for Corporations, (large and small), Limited Liability Companies and Sole Proprietors. Constantly improving and working with experts in their field is a critical skill which Terrie Wood possesses.
“This election, this year, it is imperative to put the ‘most trustworthy’ and genuine leader in the position of Secretary of the State. Peoples’ confidence in our electoral system needs to be restored. Terrie Wood is that person, and I hope all voters will take an interest in filling this position with the best candidate, Terrie Wood,” concluded Kezer.
The primary election is August 9th.
The general Election is November 8th.
For further press inquiries contact Pat O’Neil.