Exhausted by the current political environment?

As you know, I’ve spent the most recent chapter of my life passionate about civics in our state. In looking forward, I am equally passionate and interested in exploring the components of what civil discourse looks like and how we can each take responsibility for a positive and thoughtful approach to policy and political discussions.…

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Bridgeport Ballot Mess 2023

The swelter of summer days has transitioned into the crispness of fall – – heralding the season to reset, learn new things and find ways to make an impact. I’m deeply energized and  looking forward to continuing my work as a Fellow at the Yankee Institute researching and writing about Connecticut’s election processes and civic sensibility. Current…

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What’s Next with Early Voting

With the right to vote comes the responsibility to understand how the latest changes affect you. Arguably, a citizen’s right to vote is among our country’s greatest time proven, time tested treasures. In taking the time to understand the changes we will be up to speed on how to vote, consistently. In the November 2022…

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Update on Early Voting and other election proposals

The 2023 Legislative Session is more than half way through their work, ending at midnight on June 7th. This is a good time to provide a general update of the work on election law proposals and how it impacts you.  Understanding voting procedures is critically important, especially in these times of political upheaval. Our right…

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Connecticut Election Proposals Currently Under Consideration

onnecticut Election Proposals Currently Under Consideration

Most of us agree that voting must be accessible, simple and secure for all citizens eligible to vote.

With those thoughts in mind, here are three election proposals being considered by the legislature’s Government Administration and Elections Committee that merit your time to understand.

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